Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sagada - World Class

Hey guys, It's year end once again and this time of the year, we do our "year ender ride".

It's like our bonding to our motorcycle and also a gift foir the whole year stress.

This time, Let's talk about Sagada.

Sagada is located in Mt. Province, 6hours after Baguio.

It was recognized for their hanging coffins, ETAG, Bomod Ok Falls, Caves and of course, the cold weather.

We actually visited Sagada last 2009 with my MC club, some of them are first timers, that time it was my 6th time to visit Sagada.

It is very relaxing, you will enjoy the cold weather there and their foods.

We did some trekking and some cave/coffin visiting.

A few facts, no one can buy a lot on Sagada unless you live there. The "tribu" doesn't want to share the place to those who are not local to Sagada.

They also have pot making place, marlboro country rockies, overwhelming view of their rice terraces and a lot more. Visiting Sagada with your motorcycle is a very worth while experience.

So, whats your year ender ride?